"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Thursday 23 July 2015

The wheels are rolling now

                              In it to win it

The labour leadership contender Liz Kendall has dismissed calls for her to pull out of the contest and back another candidate to defeat Jeremy Corbyn. After the YouGov poll for the times put the left wing Mr Corbyn ahead in the race and Ms Kendall in fourth. Ms Kendall said she had always been an outsider in the race but said there were 51 days left to get people's support. She said: "I'll be fighting for what I believe in until the very end." I think good on her for fighting for what she believes in you go girl.

     Local news

                                                                                                            Need a push

There was push cart racing in castle park Whitehaven on Sunday pitting 20 daring teams against the clock and each other for various charities raising over £2000. Hundreds of spectators lined the side of the track beginning with a downhill run and going through the centre of the park. The teams had their own carts some were a bit wacky including mini police cars, coast guard vehicles and a replica mini mystery machine and I’ve got to say it looks like a lot of fun.

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