"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Thursday 9 July 2015

Budget news

So George Osborne announced yesterday how much things are going to cost, how much money the Conservatives are going to spend on things like wages, benefits and the NHS.

After last week's news that the Conservatives are going to redefine what it means to be poor, you might've thought that they would be thinking quite a bit about poverty and finding ways to reduce it.

Or not.

George made a commitment to introducing the Living Wage: £9 per hour by 2020. But there's a few points here: 
  1. it's not compulsory, they haven't made it a legal requirement, so it might not happen; 
  2. it could lead to job losses because if employers only have a certain amount of money to spend on wages, when the wages go up, they will save money by getting rid of staff; 
  3. none of this applies to people under 25.
The other big news is that child benefit will now be limited to the first two children. So anyone who's ever heard me talk about having children to make money. Don't do it: it's not a good career move.

We asked our youth correspondent for an opinion

Local news

Young people have been offered a chance to develop life skills during the National Citizen Service summer scheme. 

It’s now running across West Cumbria, with three week initiatives. Places are still available for young people to join beginning on July 27. Aimed at 15-17 year old the national citizen service is an opportunity for young people to build life skills and have fun. It does cost: £50 for the three weeks with residential but it sounds like a lot of fun.

The first week is well worth attending, if only to hear outside speakers come in to share their knowledge on a range of topics, from sexual health to citizenship (the citizenship talk is awesome...) 

I also hope everyone had lots of fun at the 
vintage rally I sadly missed it.

And finally

A word of warning, always think through a plan:

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