"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Thursday 30 July 2015

The Lynx goes European

So, it seems we're not the only ones looking to reintroduce lynx into our countryside: conservationists in Spain have been rearing and releasing the Iberian lynx, bringing it back from the brink of extinction. 

You can never have too much eyeliner (or is it eyelioner?)

Over the past ten years, numbers of lynx have risen from 90 to 327 across south, central and western Spain and parts of Portugal.

There's hope for the Cumbrian lynx yet.

Local News

But we're not talking men with tin helmets tramping down a dirty hole, this is the 21st century.

Instead there will be drilling platforms designed to drill exploratory boreholes, a drift mine 400-600 metres deep under the sea, and some pretty high tech equipment

It's an industry that's likely to create quite a few jobs, not just operating the equipment, but monitoring safety and output too.

Seeing things differently

In defence of men everywhere, we can't help it

And finally...

National Citizen's Service continues through the summer: there are three weeks -- one week of hanging around at Summergrove Halls, trying not to get into trouble, a week's outward bound and a week of social action. With four rounds, each with around sixty young people, that makes about two hundred and forty teenagers looking for something to do. 

Which sounds like the rest of the Summer holidays really...

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