"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 17 July 2015

Lib Dems brand new start

The Liberal Democrats got a hammering in the general election and lost the majority of their MPs. Nick Clegg, who was leader at the time, realised that he was about as popular as an eggy fart in a lift, so resigned.

Tina wished she'd listened to her mum and avoided the third helping of cabbage

So, the party members have had to choose a new leader and the winner is Tim Farron, MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale (basically that's Windermere and Kendal)

Tim is liberal (obviously), which means that he believes in personal freedom: freedom to achieve what you want and freedom from being over-controlled by governments; he also has a focus on social justice, and that means fairness in our society, for example not having people starve while others make millions of pounds in profits  

Local news

Children had a look around Whitehaven police station to see what it’s like to be a local bobby. Organised by Howgill Family Centre it gave a dozen children the chance to see what it’s like to have your fingerprints taken and what life behind bars is really like, then police officers talked about what they do on a day-to-day basis. The idea was to show children how the police can help them if they ever needed it.
Finally, the Feds caught notorious jewel thief "Cutesy Malone"

In other news

Mexico says it has stepped up its search for drug lord Joaquin Guzman, who escaped from jail on Saturday. The Interior Ministry said it had deployed almost 10,000 police and 48 dogs to track down the fugitive leader of the Sinaloa cartel. Mexico is also co-operating with neighbouring Guatemala and the United States to increase border controls.

Guzman's escape from a top-security jail through a 1.5km-long tunnel is a major embarrassment for officials. It is the second time the drug cartel leader has escaped from a top-security Mexican jail.

Have they thought of putting him on the second floor?  

Seeing things differently

Now read the comments, I know the likelihood that someone used that glass as a toilet before hurling it. Awesomeness turns to epic fail...

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