"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 27 March 2015

Election debates

It's forty days until the general election, you can see a countdown here, and by this point the party leaders are all out on the streets trying to get people to vote for them.

It can be a little embarrassing.

The two men who could be Prime Minister: David Cameron and Ed Miliband have been on TV reaching out to as many people as possible with their party politics.

But as I've pointed out before, anyone under 18 can't vote, so the politicians won't spend a great deal of time trying to get your support.

That might seem unfair, but look at it this way: if you've only got enough money for one Valentines card, do you give it to the person who you know will never date you... or to the person who just might?

Cos believe me, nothing sucks like unrequited love...

Wow, I'm getting totes emosh here today.

Anyway, back to the point.

Some people reckon that David Cameron won the election debate, other think not, and many, many others look blankly when you even mention a debate took place.


The real winner is supposed to be the people, as they get to hear what the people in charge plan to do with our money.

And so we come back to Copeland, and our election debate:

Friday, 10 April at West Lakes Science and Technology Park, we now have three mayoral candidates who are willing to answer the questions of the young people of Copeland.  They will tell you what you want to know; and the whole thing will be recorded so that you can look back on this historic event and say "I was there", or "I wasn't there but I watched it on YouTube", or "Seriously? It was the school holidays. I don't wake up before 3pm on the school holidays."

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