"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 17 April 2015

Registering to vote

There are just three days left to register an intention to vote in the General Election. So I'm going top take this opportunity to urge you to do so.

Anyone aged 16 and over can register to vote, and anyone 18 and over can vote.  Now, has anyone noticed a problem with those numbers?

 It's not wrong: you really can register to vote two years before you can actually vote. Now, assuming those of us working in local and national government haven't lost our minds there must be a reason for that, right?


Now, I've heard all the reasons why you should vote, and I have a problem with a few of them:

  • If you don't vote, then you can't complain. Well, that's just wrong.  I know lots of people who don't vote, and they seem to complain as much as anyone. Also, if non-voters can't complain, doesn't that mean that every person under 18 can't complain? Sounds like discrimination to me.
  • People died for the right to vote so you should use that right. People didn't die for the right to vote, they died for the right to have the option.  For centuries, women couldn't vote, poor people couldn't vote, people under 21 couldn't vote.   That was unfair, but it's also unfair to force people to do something against their will.  I have no problem with people not voting as a form of protest, but it has to be a conscious decision, otherwise it's just apathy.
  • Every vote makes a difference. That can sound like a pretty stupid remark in some ways. For example: imagine you were a Conservative voter in Liverpool Walton, a Labour safe seat.   

Without your vote
With your vote

That one vote wouldn't make a dent.

Same if you supported the Labour party in Chesham and Amersham (a Conservative safe seat)

Without your vote
With your vote

And it's worse if you support the Green Party: they got 767 votes in Chesham and Amersham, and didn't even have a candidate in Liverpool Walton.

[I reckon you can see why they call them 'safe' seats, if you're the MP there, your job is pretty safe]

They don't mean the other kind of safe seat...

Anyway, all those arguments aside. Registering to vote is different, and it's probably more important.

Governments can check the electoral roll, to see who's registered to vote.

I don't have that info, but I can see an estimate of who has voted, by age.

Until 2010, the number of 18-24 year olds was dropping election after election, and so political parties were less worried that they might vote for the opposition -- they weren't voting at all.

So the parties will do less to engage young people, because it's a lot of investment, for not much gain.


If you register, if every 16 and 17 year old registers, all of the political parties will sit up and take notice, and they'll do everything in their power to encourage you to vote for them...

Sorry for the sexist pic, but you get the idea

 And finally...

Seriously worrying news: Doctor Who will be made into a movie, according to leaked documents from Sony.

Now to many of you that might sound awesome, but to those of us who are thirty and above, we know the last Dr Who movie ended the franchise for nine years. The TV show had already been cancelled in 1989, but the movie, was like taking a tired, elderly loved one out into the woods and finishing them off.

My suggestion for the new movie...?


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