"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 13 March 2015

Friday the 13th

Seriously scary day today. It's not only Friday 13th February, but it's 2015 and 2 - 0 - 15 = 13. This is the first time we've had a situation like this for, well for a month actually.

So take care. Watch out for black cats, ladders, broken mirrors, and little old ladies (I'm not sure that last one is unlucky, but if you get them talking you'll struggle to get away this side of Saturday).

Still, it could be worse.  You could be this GTA player...

Anyway, one of the big stories this week:

Local News

Plans are underway to release lynx into the wild in Ennerdale.  To be clear, we're not talking about cans of deodorant, this is the wild cat that has been extinct in Britain for 1,300 years.

Lynx are useful in keeping deer under control, and they aren't afraid of massive rats either.

There are likely to be some objections from local farmers concerned for their livestock, so no decisions have been made as yet.

My week, this week  

So this week I've started the preparation for the Mayoral Candidate Question Time. Thanks to those who attended at Frizington, Distington and Cleator Moor for giving some good ideas for questions, and for educating me on some of the finer points of life.

This week I've learnt that the Queen's handbag really annoys some people because it's empty; that I look more like Steve Jobs than David Beckham; and that small £5 notes are cute, but small youth workers are dangerous.

And finally...

In my ongoing efforts to get people to stop staring at their phones and start noticing the world around them, here's a public safety video, highlighting the dangers of paying too much attention to gadgets.

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