"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Thursday 13 August 2015

Parents in court up 25%

Number of parent in court up 25%

National news

As the number of parents taken to court in the UK because of kids skipping school rose sharply last year official figures show  that in 2014, 16,430 people were prosecuted for failing to ensure their children went to school that’s an increase of more than 3,000 or 25% on 2013. Ministry of Justice figures revealed more than three-quarters were found guilty. Parents can be issued with an on the spot penalty notices of £60 per child by schools that can rising to £120 if unpaid if their child has an unauthorised absence. Failure to pay, can lead to parents being referred to the local authority's education welfare service that has the power to take parents to court and the courts can issue fines of £2,500 or a jail sentences of up to three months. So kids stay in school and don’t skip class now.

Local news

Have you seen the ocean going drill barge off St bee it an exploratory drilling operation that was towed out its location on Saturday and it’s expected to remain in position for the next four weeks while borehole testing in connection with a planned new coal mine south of Whitehaven is carried out. The company behind the plan has yet to announce a location for the mine. The mine is intended to be up and running by the end of 2018 that will extract millions of tonnes of high quality coking coal used in the iron industry, so there’s some big plans for the future and it’s looking good for everyone wheel keep you updated.

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