"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Thursday 27 August 2015

Its migration not an invasion

National news

The big story in the news is about migration to the UK hitting record highs from the start of the year up to march according to the office of national statistics, now I won’t go in to the figures but I do think that it is important to say that no matter your own opinion, migrants do make a massive contribution to the economy and we do need them, also I do see some peoples point that we are a small island nation and we do need to keep an eye on it. There is little chance of this affecting people in a negative way as it’s more likely to boost the economy and there for it will help people more.

Local news

In local news the Sellafield sticks go on and they not budging, there in protest over pay and on Tuesday a 48 hour strike is under way. I’m going to take a step back because I don’t want to get in to the hole how, what and why because I think that there is a big picture here that these people are exercising there right to strike which is their right to do, mean will these people are not getting paid jurying the strike, so it all comes down to them doing want they think is right and I applaud that.

In other news

It’s me Jon it’s my last day today at Copeland borough council and I’ve got to say I’m sad to be going, I’ll miss the gang and all the great work we’ve been doing jurying my time here. It’s been a true pleasure being here and seeing all the hard work they put in for all you youngsters I wish you all the best of look in the future and a happy yet sad good bye.        


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