"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Fails galore

Short update this week, cos it's a mad busy week:

Local news:
Heavy rains meant that we weren't able to do the filming at Seascale as we'd planned. But we had a visit from Cllr Stephen Haraldsen and one of the Conservative candidates for the European elections.

It was interesting to get their views and Stephen made a really important point that I think you should all consider.

Whether you consider yourself Conservative or Labour, Lib Dem or Green, UKIP or can't be bothered, it's worth remembering that everyone who puts themselves up for election has one thing in common: they all want to improve things in the area they will represent.

They may disagree on how to do that, and that's where the party politics comes in, but every one of them has a desire to serve the community.

I think the take home from that is, whether you agree with people's policies or not, it's not fair to hate on them, because even if you think they're wrong, they're just trying to do right.

{I'm getting that on a t-shirt}

And finally...
Got a  number of videos to consider today: they're all in the fail category, but let's look a little deeper and see what's going on:

Bootleg fireworks fail: For anyone who doesn't know, bootleg means smuggled. It goes back to the days of pirates

When they would wear long boots and could fit items in the top of them, to sneak them out of wherever (probably a tavern)

So these fireworks are in some way illegal, probably home-made to avoid paying tax on them.

We can't see from this video, but there could have been damage caused (that bush will never be the same again for a start), or even injuries.  Someone could be screaming in pain and we wouldn't hear it for the guys swearing and cursing.

The legal fireworks are much less likely to cause damage (at least if used properly -- if someone chooses to wedge it in their pants and set it off, they're asking for a scorching)

Vending machine fail: Again we have hilarity when someone breaks the law.  Even if he'd paid for the 'chips' (Americans, huh?) to kick the machine wasn't the right thing to do.

We've got a vending machine in our office, and I swear it's got a mind of it's own. It just chooses to give chocolate out whenever it feels like.  There's often notes stuck to the glass for the guy who refills the machine

"I paid 55p for a Snickers and I didn't get my chocolate, signed ****"

That's what our Bruce Lee wannabe should have done. Yeah, it makes for a funny video, but ask yourselves:

Who pays the price for a broken machine? The insurers.
And how do the insurers make their money back? Putting insurance premiums up.
And who pays the premiums? The business who looks after the machines.
And how do they make their money back? Raising the price of Snickers bars from 55p to 60p.

So who's paying for Hong Kong Phooey's stunt?

Snickers eaters, 5p at a time.

Parking exit fail: This guy appears to think it'll save time by leaving the car running towards the door.  It would've looked really cool if it had worked.  But it didn't, and now someone's got to fix that door, and probably his car, and maybe his spine seeing as how he used it a buffer. Who's gonna pay out for all that stuff?

You guessed it, the insurers

Revolving door fail:  Really not sure what happened here, although I suspect the wind may have had something to do with it.  But if you watch closely, you see that two of the glass panels actually slam shut on the poor guy who's in the door at the time.

This one's shocking, not funny, and I think it was a mechanical failure rather than human error. But again, there'll be costs incurred.

Hi insurers...

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