"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 30 May 2014

BNP Youth

World News:

This was brought to my attention last weekend: it's a video by BNP Youth?

I wasn't even aware that there was a BNP Youth.  It had always seemed to me that people grew towards the BNP way of thinking with age (if at all).

I guess it will give some sort of  comfort to Nick Griffin, who was the only Member of the European Parliament representing the BNP, until he lost his seat in this month's elections. From his point of view there is still hope for a BNP future.

Back to the video though: watching it I had a few questions.  Questions like:
Who talks like that? Is it the normal language of young people? Or has someone been coaching them?

I've never heard anyone under the age of 30 use the word "bastardization". A shorter form (without 'ization') maybe.

Saying that, everyone is entitled to their opinion, you may not like it, but that's their right.

Speaking of not liking it, the Conservatives and Labour are not liking the results of the European elections: it's the first time that any other party has come first in a national poll since 1910.

Embarrassing for the Lib Dems, who have been the third party of power for decades but have never won a national poll.

But it's okay, because Nick Clegg has promised he won't leave the party.  The Lib Dem activists will be so pleased


Seeing things differently

ScottBradleeLovesYa show that just because you know something one way, doesn't mean it won't work in a completely different way.  I wasn't a huge fan of the original, but I really like this version.  Any thoughts? (And keep watching for the saxophone, it's awesome).

Moral dilemma
Another of those 'is it right to laugh?' videos.  This time tourettes.

In one way it is funny, funny that someone would shout things and say things that everyone else finds inappropriate.

But think about what it's like from their point of view: the feelings of being out of control, the fear of other people's reaction, the loneliness.

That bit really isn't funny.

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