"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Thursday 3 April 2014

Putting it in perspective

Moral Dilemma:
In Victorian England rich people would occasionally entertain themselves by going to see disfigured, disabled and otherwise unfortunate souls who had no hope or future.  They called them freakshows.

Nowadays, people entertain themselves by watching Jeremy Kyle, or the X-Factor.

Now, as you watch these videos I want you to consider something: the producers are the people 'in charge' and they know what's coming.  They know that Robin's going to fail the lie-detector test, and that Zoe isn't a brilliant singer, but still they let them get up in front of studio audiences, TV crews and millions of viewers to embarrass themselves.

Of course, these programmes are for entertainment purposes, so the producers want a good show (not unlike the Victorians), but what would you do if you were the producers? Would you be okay with people being publicly humiliated? (Especially when the humiliation can last forever. Thanks YouTube)

Seeing things differently:
Here's something to think about next time your toast burns, or you miss the bus.

Not that I'm trying to suggest our problems aren't real.  They definitely are, and they can cause a lot of upset.  But when we start thinking about other people in the world, people with less than us, it can help us to cope with that upset.

Here are a couple of news stories. Reading them might give that sense of 'well, life ain't brilliant, but at least I don't have that to deal with:
Woman's pictures used in prostitution ads
Many still missing in Washington mudslide

Local News:
But it's not all doom and gloom, the latest meeting at St Peter's Woodhouse was a huge success, as I got a volunteer willing to go to the next Whitehaven locality partnership meeting. Thanks to Master Woolaghan...

Also, we had a very productive meeting of Youthwork Copeland.  That's where those of us who work with youth in the area get together and talk about policy and best practice, and drink tea.

And finally...

I've found the perfect video to end this week.  1. It's funny, because it's true. 2. It's all about seeing things differently. 3. It's defo a case of "Well, at least I don't have that to deal with". Oh, if you haven't seen the film 2012, don't click the link. Spoilers, duh!

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