"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 25 April 2014


World News:

This is Yulia Tymoshenko, the Ukrainian presidential candidate, being pelted with eggs by people who want to join with Russia.

It leads me to wonder, why do people throw eggs at politicians when they don't like their policies?

This is Ed Miliband getting egged.  Seeing his reaction, I don't find it very funny, I feel pretty sorry for him really.  But I feel even more sorry for anyone who gets hit by the splatters (not the bodyguard so much, he gets paid, but what about people just out for a walk getting hit by stray yolk? Yuk).
Most politicians seem to take it on the chin, (or the back of the head)

But not John Prescott: he decided that being egged wasn't part of his job description and punched his attacker.
But why eggs? 
Well, it's probably because they're easy to carry (so long as protesters are careful), they are effective, making a satisfying splat, and they're fairly cheap.
However let's be clear: as a form of protest, throwing eggs is ILLEGAL.  It constitutes the criminal offence of battery (as in assault and battery) and you can get arrested and charged. It's worth remembering that it can cause harm -- there's a story about a nurse in Dublin who was blinded in a drive-by egging.
And not to forget Yulia Tymoshenko predecessor: In 2004 Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, was hospitalised after being pelted by an egg.
The lesson here is that protest always has consequences, some good, some bad.
Seeing things differently:
I'm sure most people know Vitaly Zdorovetskiy of Vitalyzd TV, as a prankster, especially the Russian hitman pranks, and pranks can be funny, but they can also be a little mean at times because there's usually a victim.
But Vitaly showed the most amazing thoughtfulness when he paid for a homeless man to get a makeover. This is so great, and if you don't feel a lump building in your throat, then you maybe aren't seeing things differently enough.  
Give it a go, maybe it will inspire you to do something nice for someone too...
Thumbs up for Vitaly & good deeds all round
Local news:
We did the filming session around Distington this week, and many thanks to everyone who helped. Especially Ruby, who was an absolute star.
So here's a little wiggle for Ruby and the gang

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