"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 6 November 2015

The University Walk

This morning I learned that at a primary school in London, pupils are made to walk around with their hands behind their backs.

Some parents are angry because they feel that the children are being treated like prisoners, while others are claiming that it improves discipline, attention and safety.

What do you think: how far should schools go to make pupils behave, and what's more important -- conformity or individuality?

Eric Hoffer argued that it's our nature to conform, and so to fight it is a waste of energy.

John F. Kennedy suggested that conformity was not a good thing, calling it an 'enemy'.

Local News

A recycling area in Egremont may be closed because of a number of incidents of vandalism.

The Chapel Street site has been the site of at least three fires, and this has cost over £4,000 in repairs and lost income.

There are two likely consequences of this: one is that the site will be close and people will have to travel further to recycle their litter; the other is that the costs of keeping the site open will come back to the tax-payer.

Either way, a senseless act is going to cost people in Egremont money. That's the nature of crime: everybody ends up paying for it.

It would be so much better if whoever was doing this would find something helpful to do with their time.

Seeing things differently

Random? I don't think so.

Anyone know the connection?

And finally...

Videos of fails from Fail Army 

Because the only people who never fail are the ones who never try.

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