"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Thursday 17 September 2015

New broom at PMQ

So, in the national news we've got the new Labour leader shaking up Prime Minister's Question Time. For anyone who doesn't know, that's an hour in the week when the Prime Minister answers questions from other MPs, and it's famous in part for the MPs behaving quite immaturely (some call it Punch and Judy politics). 

As the proverb says:

Jeremy Corbyn has said he wants to get away from the kind of behaviour that wouldn't look out of place in a primary school (though I imagine the head teacher would be pretty annoyed).

In and effort to give ordinary people the voice, he put questions to Prime Minister directly from emails and tweets.  He was passionate , but he was civil and polite, and asked the questions that mattered to his voters.

That said, Jeremy Corbyn has not been elected without controversy: he's already been in trouble for not singing the National Anthem at the Battle of Britain, and for not giving as many shadow cabinet jobs to women as his predecessors.

Nothing is perfect, and a new person taking on a job brings new problems as well as fixing old ones.

Perhaps it's worth remembering the other half of the proverb.


Local news

The first gathering of the Copeland Community Forum took place last week. This is a place where representatives of all the major sectors can come together: health, police, education, sport, charities, local businesses, and talk about the priorities for Copeland. 

Young people have been represented too, and the services offered by the Council will be shaped by these meetings, so it's important that everyone living in the borough comes forward with any thoughts about what would make life better in Copeland.

Seeing things differently

Which is great, but when I watch it I just think the title's all wrong. It should really be, "There are two kinds of cat: evil cats and idiot cats".

And finally...

At the Women's Institute Centennial Fair in Harrogate, merchandise from Cockermouth was banned because the name of the town is too rude and may cause offence.

Captain Picard say...


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