"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Thursday 25 June 2015

European relations

David Cameron is setting out to renegotiate the terms of our relationship with Europe.  Now, he says he's doing it because he wants a fairer deal for British people, which might be true, but we have to ask the question: why's he only doing it now? I reckon there's a simple reason, and I will explain it by way of a story.

Little Timmy goes to bed every night at 7pm, and he wants to stay up later. It seems fair to Little Timmy's mum, and she agrees to a later bedtime, but his dad says, 'No, 7pm is late enough'.

Well, this goes on for years, until little Timmy is 16 years old, and he's still going to bed at 7pm, and mum has had enough.  She takes dad into another room, and lots of shouting takes place, and eventually mum and come out of the room and dad says: "Well, I think you're old enough now to have a later bedtime Timmy, how about 7:30pm?"

If things are going okay for someone, it's not until they're threatened that they'll act. That's just the way it is.  Apparently, there are now enough people complaining about Europe that the Government has to do something.

If you want to see something change, you have to tell people, you have to shout about it, you have to be heard.

In other news

Here's Joey Essex failing to identify political figures.

  Why not test yourself, and remember, you can only laugh at him if you do better...

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