"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 1 May 2015

Which party are you?

For all those people who keep asking me which party I'm going to vote for, my answer is... it doesn't matter.  What matters is what party you would vote for if you had the choice.

Two quizzes here to give you an idea of which party you should vote for, one fairly easy, the other a bit more detailed. Take your time over the answers, and each time think about which one would make the world more like you want it to be.

But bear in mind, this only applies to the present election. By 2020, everyone might've changed their position on the best way to run the country.

The thing that most people seem to forget is that the election is about choosing the people you think would make Britain a better place for you to live in.  It is not about voting the way your parents do, or voting the way your parents don't  depending on how much you want to rebel.

Nor are elections some kind of beauty contest.  Just as well for some people...

 Of course, there are other options to following one party: you could always start your own. Remember: UKIP haven't been around that long really, nor the Greens, nor the Lib Dems really.

Here are the main parties, with their official year of creation.

Conservatives 1834
Labour 1900
Liberal Democrats 1988
Green Party 1990
UKIP 1993

Three of them are younger than me, and there are new parties coming along all the time; and there have been about 65 different party with at least one candidate in the House of Commons over the past 200+ years.

It doesn't really matter whether you join a mainstream party, a fringe party, or start your own.  What matters is that you get involved: the more involved the people, the more responsible our elected members have to be.

Oh, and you might want to avoid having a party in your house, it can get a little out of hand.  

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