"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 27 February 2015

Eating Disorder Awareness Week

This week is dedicated to raising awareness of eating disorders, and the people who live with the consequences of eating disorders.

There are many reasons for a person ending up with an eating disorder, but there are a couple of things that they all have in common, and there's a definition that gives us an idea of what those are.

"Eating disorders are characterised by an abnormal attitude towards food that causes someone to change their eating habits and behaviour." (Source: NHS)

So it's an attitude towards food. But it doesn't have to be about body image.  Even though we often think it does.

Not all eating disorders are the same

Most people recognise that food is fuel for the body, and many see it as something to enjoy. But for some people eating is an effort, and for some it's the source of an addiction.

What I want us to do, is to think of something really unpleasant, something we have to do occasionally but hate.  Something like the worst lesson of the week, or visiting an elderly relative in a care home...

Have to say it: she's got good legs for an octogenarian

Just think for a moment, the feelings of dread before it happens, the total lack of enthusiasm, like a dark cloud over the day that only lifts after it's over.

Now imagine that happening every day, two or three times a day.  Imagine the stress and anxiety that it causes. It's not something to take lightly.

If you know someone who has problems with eating, whether it's anorexia, bulimia or binge eating, it might be worth letting them know that you care.

And if anyone feels they need help with an eating disorder, let them know that help is available.

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