"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 3 October 2014

Beach cleaning fail

I think it’s fair to say that the beach clean last week was a bit of a bust.  Many thanks to Jacq and Mandy at Shackles Off who gave up part of their Saturday to pitch in on Seascale Beach.  Unfortunately, there were a couple of better things on that day: Egremont Crab Fair

and teenage apathy

I know it’s hard to motivate yourself.  I get that:  I was a teenager too.  

Eighteen years ago.
    (Wow, that’s a depressing thought).

But an even more depressing thought is what’s going to happen to the world if we keep turning our backs on the problems.
    And I’m not just talking beach cleaning here…

The Time for Change group successfully campaigned for a referendum on how our borough should be run, at the referendum the public chose to elect (i.e. vote for) the next mayor, but so far no-one seems to want the job.
    No-one wants to try and fix the problems in Copeland.

I want you to check out this song by Turin Brakes, it’s The Sea Change (beaches again…) but it’s about more than that, it’s about the fact that we can only expect someone else to fix the broken things for so long, before eventually we have to be that someone else, we have to fix whatever’s broken.

Why not today?

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