"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Marine Litter interpretation

Some of you are already aware that CBC are putting new interpretation boards at various points up and down the coast, from Parton all the way down to Haverigg.  If you're a bit confused about what an interpretation board is, here's an example.

They are the kind of things that people on walks like to look at, and they give some information about the area people are visiting.

So, included with those boards will be a marine litter board, explaining how long it takes for rubbish to break down in the oceans. Hopefully getting people to be a bit more responsible with their litter, and put it in the bin instead of dumping it on the beaches.

We'd like your opinions on possible designs for the boards, and here are some examples to get you thinking.

  Anyone who has a flair for design might want to sketch something out. The final design will be included with every interpretation board.

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