"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Mobile phone films

Newsflash: we're living the 21st Century. This is the future.
    Which is great for many of us.

It means that we have lots of advantages. Mobile phones and the internet make world-wide communication almost instant, and give us access to information on a scale that we've never seen before.

But if I've learnt nothing else from Spiderman, I know this: with great power comes great responsibility.

[Actually, I also learnt that Tobey Maguire went crazy, fast]

Having a mobile phone means that you can find stuff out really easily, and you can take pictures and videos and record your life as it happens.  But that's not always a good thing.  Here's a couple of examples of what I mean.

A hotel in Dubai caught fire on New Year's Eve last year, leaving many people distressed (though fortunately no-one was hurt).  Two people nearby decided it was a good opportunity for a selfie

Now, most people agreed that it was pretty insensitive and disrespectful to use other people's misfortune for a photo opportunity, and after getting a roasting on social media, the couple removed the picture.

But it's not just insensitivity that we're talking about.  There's also the safety aspect.

This picture is of a lorry crash that happened on the M40 last week. Again, no-one was seriously hurt, but one half of the motorway was closed, and the other half was reduced to one lane.  This caused huge delays (of up to seven hours for some people).

The issue here though was that people in that one working lane were slowing down to take pictures and videos of the crash, which is insensitive, but it also added to the delays and, even at those low speeds, involved drivers controlling their cars while using mobile phones.

Up to eighty motorists were identified as using their phones while driving and they are all being issued with fines for breaking the law.

So the warning here is: think before you take pictures or videos, it might land you in the middle of a Twitter storm, or even in court.