"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
Zora Neale Hurston

Friday 30 January 2015

Elections' season

Candidates named

So the first of our election candidates have been named.

May 7th will give Copeland residents the chance to elect their MP, Jamie Reed is the current post holder and will stand again for Labour.  Up against him are Danny Gallagher (Lib Dem), Stephen Haraldsen (Conservative) and Allan Todd (Green Party).  UKIP are intending to put someone forward for the election, but no names yet.

Local News

Apparently, Whitehaven is one of the safest places to live in the UK.  If you're in the CA28 postcode you are far less likely to be a victim of crime than most of the rest of the nation.  That said, we're not totally free of anti social behaviour, but you can do your bit by reporting anything you see.

And think yourselves lucky you didn't see Chris Boxhall in 'Bubbles' Nightclub last week. (The less said the better I reckon).

Speaking of safety, there's a lot of talk about keeping safe while texting, not giving away personal information, sending pictures of yourself with no clothes on and the like.  But it's also worth remembering that any message can be dangerous if you forget to check who you're sending the message to...

Seriously though, stay safe.

Friday 9 January 2015

Happy New Year?

It’s a new year, and that means everything changes. Or doesn’t.

You see, that’s the interesting thing about every new year: we think things will be different.
Not for any good reason, just because 2014 has become 2015. We won’t act any different ourselves, we’ll just hope that the change of number will do it for us.

You know what Einstein said?

He also may have something about wanting a haircut. but no-one was listening

Here’s a website that makes several predictions about 2015. I encourage you to check it out, then in 12 months see how accurate they were.

I have my own prediction: we won’t notice any difference as a result of these changes, whether they happen or not.  One reason being that we are right at the edge of the pond of life: were as far from London as you can be and still be English, we’re as far away from the multi-millionaires as you can get without being in poverty, and we’re as far away from the decision makers as they can keep us.

Being on the edge of the pond means that a big splash a long way away will cause only small ripples for us.

The other reason is that I've been around a while, and I know that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

One final prediction: you will struggle to get through nine minutes of Ripple Effect: Hybrid's song Na Na Nai

You can't beat a bit of Jazz/World Music fusion